Milton St John's Church of England Primary School

Milton St John's Church of England Primary School

  1. Parents
  2. School Meals

School Meals

School meals cost £2.50 per day (£12.50 per week) and should be paid for in advance on our online payment system 'Schoolmoney'.


School Meals are now provided by a private catering company, Mellors Catering Services Ltd.  Please visit their website for further information and see below the menu example from January 2025.





Free School Meals

Could your child be eligible for free school meals?

Free school meals are offered to children of families who are on low income in receipt of Employment and Support Allowance (Income Related), Income Support, Job Seekers Allowance (Income based) or Guaranteed Element of State Pension Credit. They are also offered to children of families who are in receipt of Child Tax Credit only, but who are not entitled to Working Tax Credit, and whose annual income (as assessed by the Inland Revenue) does not exceed £16,190.00.

You could save over £350 per year for each child and your children would benefit from a good hot meal at lunchtime. The school will benefit too – we will receive the pupil premium of £900 per year from the Government for each child on free school meals, which is used to enhance their learning at school.

To apply, go to or go to your local Library where they can help you to apply.