Milton St John's Church of England Primary School

Milton St John's Church of England Primary School

  1. Curriculum
  2. Forest School

Forest School

Milton St John's is committed to giving children the opportunity to learn in the outdoor environment. During your child's time at Milton they will have the opportunity to take part in Forest School sessions. We believe that taking learning outside is good for promoting children's self esteem, well being, behaviour, co-operative learning and problem solving.

These skills feed back positively into classroom work and other settings.

Forest School sessions build on the natural instinct to learn and explore that everybody is born with. It offers opportunities for children to make choices for their own learning and take and manage risks. Development of these skills encourages positive attitudes and behaviour. 

 Please read an extract taken from Forest School Association website below.  For more information visit :

'At Forest School all participants are viewed as:

  • equal, unique and valuable
  • competent to explore and discover
  • entitled to experience appropriate risk and challenge
  • entitled to choose, and to initiate and drive their own learning and development
  • entitled to experience regular success
  • entitled to develop positive relationships with themselves and other people
  • entitled to develop a strong, positive relationship with their natural world

This learner-centred approach interweaves with the ever-changing moods and marvels, potential and challenges of the natural world through the seasons to fill every Forest School session and programme with discovery and difference. Yet each programme does also share a common set of principles, aimed at ensuring that all learners experience the cumulative and lasting benefits that quality Forest School offers.'