Milton St John's Church of England Primary School

Milton St John's Church of England Primary School

  1. Parents
  2. School Uniform

School Uniform

Unlike other schools, we do not insist that our uniform has to have the embroidered school logo on.  We are aware that uniform can be costly and so permit the less expensive supermarket versions.  We only insist that the school colours are adhered to.


Milton St John’s School uniform is as follows:

Red polo top

Royal blue cardigan or jumper

Royal blue reversible fleece

Charcoal grey skirt/pinafore or trousers

White/grey socks or grey tights

Black shoes (not trainers)



Red t-shirt (plain or with School logo)

Plain black/blue shorts

Plain black/blue jog bottoms and top

EYFS/KS1: plimsolls or velcroed trainers

KS2: plimsolls or trainers


School uniform may be purchased via the internet using the following link:



or Simply Schoolwear, 133 Chew Valley Rd, Greenfield


Tiger Tags - New School Name Tag Supplier

The PTA has partnered with Tiger Tags who provide customised name labels in both sticker and iron on form for all your child's school uniform and equipment. Should you decide to purchase name labels from them, the PTA will receive a fundraising donation of £1.00 for every order placed. 

Follow the link to place your order: